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Dang Knightzy is a bot

by PotatoMurderer September 2, 2019


Someone who acts like a robot.

Lauren ball is such a bot

by user111111222222233333333 December 13, 2021



She’s such a bot

by IcyBot April 23, 2020


A "Bot" is a slang term for someone who is unskilled in life.

It originated from a term in the game fortnite, where players who were obviously using hacks and cheating were called "bots" because of their laziness and lack of skill.

This term is very comparable to the word "noob", but it is different because it applies to real life scenarios.

(my friend)'s got no kills in fortnite, he's the Bot!

Yo, this kid's a Bot at this game.

Wow, (he/she)'s an absolute Bot when it comes to doing homework.

by Smartkid123456789 February 15, 2019


Someone who is Ai generated.

Spencer Howell is considered a bot infiltrating the Binghamton baseball team

by Stelly! November 6, 2023


Someone who is AI generated.

Spencer on the Binghamton baseball team is a bot. He has bot tendencies which makes us believe his brain is AI generated.

by Stelly! November 6, 2023


Someone who doesnt understand the concept or idea of a situation. Therfore making him/her look bad or "robot like"

Swap the gray gun for the purple gun you bot

by NotDictionary June 30, 2019