When your bro plays wingman for you without you knowing. He then, after the fact, tells you about how he hooked you up. Your bro is now entitled to one cock-block anytime and anyplace.
Your bro has a facebook conversation with the chick he's trying to get with as well as her sister whom you had a great time with over the weekend. When you come up in the conversation, he defends you and puts in a good word. The next day in the gym he shows you the conversation and says you owe him for playing wingman. This is legit; he is now entitled to one cock-block which is considered Bro tax.
the opposite of sisom
A childs parent is both their brother and their father.
This word derives from the combination of two words brother and father. The second meaning of brother which is a male offspring having only one parent in common with another offspring. Dad which means 1. A male parent.
The mother of the offspring is also the mother of the son which makes the male parent both the brother and the father to the offspring. The brother and father (daddy-bro) is the offspring’s half-brother and father.
"In Incest families commonly found in the southern states of North America brothers of sisters are also found to be their fathers.
"My brodad thinks he is so cool that he likes to call himself Daddy-Bro!"
A bro that is always at a party but never seems to get in on drinking games or other party activities. He can be seen casually sipping at his beer whilst chilling from a distance or adding the occasional chuckle and/or witty comment. They are very rarely seen alone, usually in groups of 2 or 3 so as to seem like they are having fun. Can also be abbreviated to BGB.
Yeah guys I'm out this time, I'll just background bro it.
Yo get in on this kegstand, don't be such a background bro!
Abbreviation for "Eskimo Brother."
Guy 1: Hey Sko Bro!
Guy 2: how did You know?
Guy 1: we still talk sometimes.
A person who uses broscience often to try to prove points or explain things. Usually the broscience comes directly from his mind with no outside sources and no experience with the topic he is talking about.
Bro PhD Kyle just tried to explain the creation of the HIV virus, of course talking straight broscience the whole time. I didn't believe a word he said.
Just a group of dudes that all of have big crispy sausages or big dicks. A group of Sausage Bros aren't gay, but might seem gay to some. They love to drink and tend to hang out with girls that are sluttier then most.
We should go hang with the Sausage Bros tonight. I heard they have big crispy sausages.
An African American male's coming of age ceremony. Celebrated at the thirteenth birthday. The young man will memorize negro hymns, celebrate the history of fellow African American males that have impacted history, learn and memorize a hymn, poem or speech of a famous African American male in history. The young man will now be responsible for his actions and will pledge to follow the ten commandments.
We had a great time at Giovanni's bro mitzfah, I loved the way he sang the negro national anthem.