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Canada's History

Taking a dump someone's chest and pouring maple syrup over it.

You did what? Yeah, Canada's History... all over her chest.

by SeriousCarl February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

When you have a beaver slap you in the face with his tail after he takes a shit in your mouth.

I learned a little bit of Canada's History last night.

by Colberts Lover February 5, 2010

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canada's history

a metaphor or simile to describe incredibally bad sex.

ex. Mark was so bad last night, it was like getting read canada's history.


girl 1: Mark recited canada's history to me last night.
girl 2: It was that bad?
girl 1: Yep.

by im_cool_not February 5, 2010

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canada's history

a sexual act of a football player violats a woman while a moose licks maple syrup off your feet. this sexual act does not finish until the woman says 20 polite sentances ending in ay.

you " man a i gave the that slut a canada's history"
Your friend " thats so bicthen"

by AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! February 5, 2010

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canada's history

all the worst, most explicit words all combined into one super-offending term, Canada's History.

Triggered by Canada's oldest magazine 'The Beaver' changing its name to 'Canada's history'. They changed it because the word beaver has become synonymous with the word vagina to internet-users, so Stephen Colbert called on fans to make 'canada's history' a sexual word as well.

That girl is a real **** **** **** ***..., you might think she's part of 'Canada's history'.

by omeezy_4_sheezy February 5, 2010

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canada's history

A term to refer to something of absolutely no value to humanity whatsoever, and thus has no purpose even being discussed.

"Hey man. Guess what?"
"I don't know, but whatever it is I'm sure I'll love it as much as I love Canada's history."

by iliekmudkipz February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A sex act more obscene than the phrase The Beaver.

We did Canada's History all night long.

by Bearssss February 5, 2010

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