a homosexual male that kicks other men in the testicles to hide their gayness. They are also frustrated that their penis size it abnormally small so they feel other men should be the same size they do this by kicking them in the testicles
Johnny kicked me in the balls the other day must be because he's a closet kicker
Someone who is part of the lgbtq+ but swears on everything that they are not
Rafe is a closet sexual
Used to refer to a skateboarder who will not tell anyone that they skate because they are intimidated by better skaters.
Sean is a skater, although he doesn’t dress like one, and he won’t tell anyone. He’s a closet skater.
When an action is taken with haste or a decision made spontaneously. L
If you slap the closet for Saturday afternoon, I'm sure that'll be fine.
someone who is hetero but pretends to be queer
I bet you're being a closet hetero just to get to mingle with them
Coming out of the Closet is what you do when you want to identify yourself as homie-sexual
John was coming out of the closet! I cant believe he's homie-sexual!
Something that ethan really likes to hide in
I'm in the closet is what ethan says alot