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urban dictionary

Where stupid retards post dumbass definitions that is either funny or downright shit

Guy 1: Guys what is a Pineapple?
Guy 2: Check the Urban Dictionary
Guy 1: It says why the fuck are you searching up Pineapple you stupid shit?
Guy 2: Oh...

by Retarded Turtle December 10, 2017

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urban dictionary

This website, smart one.

Guy 1: Hey, are you on urban dictionary.com?
Guy 2: What's that? Let me look that up...

by Capsen November 26, 2011

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urban dictionary

a website you visit when myspace is being a biotch and your to lazy to call a friend over or jerk off.
you can also define the stupid slang terms your friends have invented, give a dirty definition to everything from apple to zebra, or plainly just bitch about your haters.

UD Noob: "oo interesting! no one has defined rubber band yet!"
*typing in urban dictionary definition box*

Rubber band: sticking your head in someones private area and yelling out applesauce repeatedly.

by E-Tag! September 6, 2008

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urban dictionary

An online slang dictionary filled with penis euphemisms.

"dude, i have a huge crayon set (penis)"
"check urban dictionary, then return, knowledgeful with urban slang"

by |meh| April 12, 2007

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Urban Dictionary

A website that was originally ingenious until it was overrun by idiotic morons. Many of these morons use curse words in their definitions and, also look down on any statement or person with a conservative connotation in disdain. Yet whenever something/someone is viewed as mildly liberal or rebellious it is instantly praised.

"Urban Dictionary most know all republicans, country music, religion, and moral standards suck XD. Obama and Nirvana are the BEST because Obama's good at basketball and is hip and Kurt Cobain shot himself in the face to fight against commercialism (which I hate because kids my age are supposed to say we hate it and then unintentionally advocate it through our actions"- americasux666

by jacksprawler111 June 17, 2010

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urban dictionary

A place for everything you couldn't get into Wikipedia

"What the hell is dammi?? I can't find anything on it in Wikipedia!"

"Dunno, go try Urban Dictionary"

"Hey I just added my lame inside joke in wikipedia but they deleted it! What should I do?"

"Take it to urban dictionary and kill yourself. imfao"

by wearethebhai2 September 1, 2009

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Urban Dictionary

Something that keeps you from sleeping.

Urban dictionary

by EasternEuropeanSlavLover November 22, 2021

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