When you are a straight person (attracted to women) and you occasionally give sloppy toppy to the homies, 100% homie proof
"Yo, you know that Tom's open ended straight right?"
That feeling you get when you know you have to go back to school or work the next day.
I hate sundays because I feel so sad, I always get end of the line syndrome.
the west end bandits are the most hardcore gang in scituate. they get in huge brawls with the co-freaks. they tag a ton of shit, and no one fucks with them. they are awesome. also known as WEB
john"hey wanna go chill in the west end?"
eric"nah dude, not with those gangsta west end bandits down there man!!lets go smoke some weed"
Hey man, we have one more week til end of year exams!
...I didn't know I'll be meeting Satan this early.
“Never Ending Story”
When you take a sticky shit and keep wiping till the toilet paper is almost gone.
Went to the club last night couldn’t leave till two. Got stuck in the bathroom with a never ending story.
When you grab that fresh pair of undies and later you find yo girls hair wrapped around yo nut sack or stuck in your butthole after a crap
Dude I took such a great crap and when I went to wipe I caught this hair that seemed to be the never ending story coming from my butthole and nut sack
Therapist : Hello! Welcome to your first therapy lesson. What would you like to speak about today?
Scarlett : Jotaro's Rear end..
Therapist : Okay.... How do you feel towards Jotaro's Rear End?