Eric is a magnificent man who always cares for his friends. Eric is the opposite of shy and always tries to make people laugh. Eric loves wizards.
Oh my gosh Eric is the coolest kid ever.
Random Person: Hey bro do you take coke?
Eric: Yea i don’t have limits.
Eric is a person who is rich and smart and is super handsome and kind to others a great person altogether and who is loyal to his lovers.
Eric is such a great person
A stupid fuckboy that falls in love with every girl in school and ends up kissing them he also say to claim to have sex with girls
Eric:Suck my dick
Her:Okay baby boy😍
Eric Is An Amazing Guy That You’ll Never Find Anywhere Else. He May Be Shy At First, But When He Opens Up Hes Very Comfortable. He Has An Exceptionally Big Penis, And Is Very Good In Bed. Once You Have An Eric You'll Be Pleased For Life — For You Mariely 😂
Omg Hes So Hot, Hes Such And Eric
Eric is a really nice guy. He can make u smile and and has a really sexy name. He might seem like an asshole from the outside but he’s truly a nice guy. In a conversation he will always look u in the eyes and you’ll get lost in them. He honest and caring and treats women with respect. You can’t get him out of ur head. Whether you talked to him 5 years ago or last week u will always think of him. He likes listening to different types of music from kpop to rap.
Eric is so nice!