A person who is in love with man nipples
what the fuck bro you a nipple faggot?
A male in the royal air force
He joined the RAF hes a sky faggot
Nxstyxgrxnde on twitter
Nxstyxgrxnde is an unemployed faggot
When you stare into another mans eyes for more then 3 seconds without saying no homo.
What the heck. That guy just stared into my eyes for like 3 second straight and didn’t even say no homo.
Yuck wtf , he faggot gazing.
Definition 1 An offensive term used to describe people who play Dungeons And Dragons
Definition 2 A word you use to make fun of Dungeons And Dragons
Uh look at those fuckwads and faggots playing Fuckwads And Faggots
A person who is overweight or obese who is also a member of the LGBT community.
Person 1: _____ is a pork faggot. He is fat and gay.
2👍 1👎