In good health, especially because of regular physical exercise
Getting fitter before Encik’s Grandma beats you in IPPT. Again.
someone who is "hot", "peng" or attractive. it can be used to describe a girl
ben: woooow she's fit!
alisa: i have a boyfreind?!
ben: oh shit!
The British way of saying hot or cute
Person 1: Checks that fit girl over there mate
Person 2: Oh she’s well fit
A man named Zakir, also known as mr fit. He is very fit which is a true fact because the ancient monkeys in Malaysia told me. He also has very nice hair and great shaped ears
Random boy: wow, that girl is looking very fit today
Me: don’t you mean she’s looking very zakir today
A word that is slightly informal for a person of the other gender or your own gender who you find sexually attractive.
1. “Mate she is fit as she’d get it!”
2. “I think you’re really fit”