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crazy horse

the most badass fighter on the street and in the ring, always hyped up and looks like he is on drugs

aka Charles Bennett

"Crazy horse is one of the most exciting and most ruthless fighter to watch"

by thejab June 12, 2005

8👍 8👎

Horse girl

A girl between the age of 7 and 13 (most times), probably owns a horse (or goes to the riding school too much) and talks about it every day. She will wear t-shirts with horse prints on them and jeans or horse riding pants. In school she has only friends that love horses as much as she does. IF you want to hang out with her, she says: “No sorry, i need to go to my horse(s).” Horse girls don’t run, they gallop. Doesn’t care if you don’t like her, but if you say anything about her horse there is a chance she wants to murder you. Says she’s good are horse riding, but actually sucks. Here’s a tip: don’t follow her on instagram or other social media! Only do that if you want to get spammed with ugly photos of horses with a billion hearts on the photos. To summarize this whole story you can use one word: ‘CRINGE’.

I ride myself and at school i see horse girls and at the riding school too. The cringe was too much and i was looking on the internet, but nowhere was a really good explanation of horse girls, so i typed this.

by saladass2 May 3, 2019

12👍 11👎

horse riding

To do heroin by shooting up or snorting.

Homey A: "Ayo, where the fuck was you last night??"
Homey B: "I went back to the crib and got twisted!"
Homey A: "Why didn't you hit a brother up? I was bored as a motherfucker, dick!"
Homey B: "My bad, my bad. Cop about 40 bones, and tonight we'll saddle up and go horse riding."
Homey A: "Weeeeeeerrrrrrrd son! I'm there fasho!"

by don of marmet August 21, 2007

23👍 32👎

Quarter Horse

A “Quarter Horse” is similar to a well propionate thick sister but more of a slender athletic build. Her body is flawless in every aspect…smooth soft skin, lovely face; hair is at right length for her body and looks good in what ever she has on!

Man ole gurl in that video is a quarter horse!

by PMinister July 14, 2006

20👍 27👎

Cum horse

A Cum horse generally describes a promiscuous female who enjoys semen. She is known to have had many partners of all shapes, sizes and colors. She also contains the ability to sleep standing up like a horse.

Lori is a cum horse.

by Lewrd methane May 21, 2021

Semen Horse

the shart master he farts in your bed and sharts on your mom your mom sharts on ihm back you are the sperm lovely sperm of sperm sharting stuff on your bed i

s e m e n h o r s e semen horse

Y a y

Sore man hat

Sir men hoard

Sea moon hoove

Salamander heart

Soup mop hole

Sherlock holmes

Sheep mutt hell

Shore mint hand

Salmon house

Sigma hen

Sand mic whore

Saul goodman hope

Spin min hits

Spoiled milk hints

Skimmed mind hunts

Suck my hair

Stool month hind

Skunk mean hockey

Sold mold hold

Sun more hucks

Sleep main hedge

Stud munk heaven

Sore moose hill

Seek mom hack

Slay muffin hook

Shirt morph hooligan

Sum mum hum

Sun mun hun

Sushi mush hush

Slick med head

Shark mesh hulk

Sunday hump

Spoon much hub

Storm perm tilt

Stunned dung beetle

Ash club force

by gognel house May 21, 2023

barbs horses

A sexy elderly woman that enjoys spending her evenings by taking her majestic horses on long walks. Barb is also very found of younger men and likes to make them come over to her barn and feed her horses

Barbs horses are just awesome creatures. I love when she asks me to come feed them

by Ballerboy38 February 19, 2018