Drippy jay is the leader of the S.t.f.u group in northeast Philadelphia. He is a upcoming SoundCloud rapper and is best friends with the infamous stiffy long nose beat maker. Stuffy long nose graduated at Lincoln with drippy jay and rose to the charts with the song hello there. He also sells weed to underage kids
Did you hear that song about drippy jay? Did you here stiffy long nose produced a song for drippy jay. Did you here that drippy jay sells weed to kids?
He is a kik legend who joined kik on 3rd April 2013. You need to have some knowledge of football if you wanna converse with him.
Kik stranger - what you do for living
Definitely not Jay - i beat Pakis
An absolute cutie pie. Lovely all around. A true gem.
Dawson jay sure is incredible, what a kind soul.
People who do their own form of jay walking by way of rolling out in front of traffic on their wheelchairs. These people are mostly found on the streets of Hollywood, Florida trying to get to the casinos.
Today I almost ran into a group jay-rollers as I was driving to work and they came out of nowhere causing me to swerve to miss them.
the name given to people who have a giant peen
big dick jay southern will be here soon