A science fiction series written by David Louis Edelman, that centers around the main character, Natch, living in Earth around 500-ish years in the future (The actual date is not specified.), where he is obsessively involved in the rather brutal market that sells programs for the human biology; the bio/logic market. The main storyline is about how Natch goes from being a complete selfish prick to being a complete selfless non prick, and how the second main character, Jara, goes from being a completely helpless character self confidence-wise to finding her self confidence. This story introduces a very strange and thought-provoking technology called Multireal; Multireal is a program that can supposedly allow the user to control the outcome of an event. The trilogy consists of "Infoquake", "Multireal", and "Geosynchron." If you are a sci-fi fan then stop what you're doing right now and read it if you haven't.
"The Jump 225 series is the shit!"
"I thought Jara was a bit of a bitch at first, but she's cool now."
"This trilogy is completely underrated!"
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1. When a meme is so overused so quickly that it goes from amusing to suck in less than ten seconds, internet time. 2. Some sort of unfortunate sex act.
"Have you seen that video of that kid-"
"That jumped the honey badger five days ago, dude."
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The beginning of the end; the turning point when things go downhill. Derived from the "Happy Days" episode where the fonz jumps a tank full of sharks on his motorcycle. That was the clear turning point of the series.
The fight my girl and I got in a month ago was our shark jump episode.
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To have sexual intercourse, lustfully or aggressively.
Originally from the idea of jumping onto an erect penis (i.e. it would be done to a man not by a man), it has evolved to also refer to actions by the man with the erect penis.
Lisa winked at Mike, shirtless and sweaty after his workout, and said, "Let's go out to your ride. I totally wanna jump your bones."
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The best band that you've never heard of. They make fabulous and unusual rock music and they are all about 100 times more talented than a normal band because they went to art school. They will change your life. Get Magazine as your first CD.
The Jump Little Children concert last Thursday was the best part of the year so far.
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The David Hasselhoff medley that men use to pick up unsuspecting women.
Works best if you are incredibly drunk and thrusting into the american flag.
"Jump in my car, I want to take you home, come on and jump in my car, it's way too far to walk on your own"
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Any destination where a large number individuals from the African American community gather to celebrate ignorance and violence.
Don't even think about going to Applebee's after 11:00 pm at night. It turns into a Nigger Jump Off.
Person 1: Hey did you see that club metropolis just got shut down due to all of the recent shootings?
Person 2: Yeah, it happens every few years. Someone will buy it and turn it into the next Nigger Jump Off.club
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