Kelly St Fort over there? Oh yea she’s the bop of all bops.
Northern Aboriginal slang for homeless people who drink kelly's.
"Remember Rodrick from High School?"
"Yeah! I heard he's a Kelly Warrior now."
kelly a. burlison middle school is a place full of T H O T S, fake girls, and player guys. everyone hates everyone but hides it. its full of poor people who buy off brand and fake yeezys to look cool. but they just get made fun of.
“they go to kelly a. burlison middle school they must be a fake thot, dont talk to them!”
kellie and stephanie are both beautiful girls and are always up for fun. One of them is usually eating food sand has a obsession with kebabs. so many girls are jel of kellie and stephanie. What ever man gets them is very lucky and kinky!!!!!!!
oh dayumm kellie and stephanie is turning me on i sure wouldnt mind eating that in the morning sex godess
When you Urinate and Poo in an container, Take a shower in it and fornicate in it with your S/O or tinder date.
"Hey Shirly, wanna do a Dirty R. Kelly?"