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Karen Logic

Its just Karen Logic

Dude: oh look a karen
Karen: *Spurts out Karen Logic*

by Anim0o February 9, 2020

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Pretty much the male version of a Karen

Jesus fuuuck that man-karen threatened to hit me with his plow blade if I went thirty on his road with a twenty-five limit

by coffee_by_the_pot January 21, 2021

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Wild Karen

A person who thinks they are entitled to everything and demands the manger. When you donโ€™t comply, they release the Karen scream and start threatening and insulting you.

John: Sorry we donโ€™t give free money away

Karen: Can I speak to your manager

*John doesnโ€™t comply
Karen: Iโ€™m calling the cops for harassment

John: What a wild Karen

by 420 God Mother February 19, 2021

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Karen Privilege

A single or group of primarily middle aged, middle class white women who feel they are entitled to whatever they want. Often see with a short cropped haircut.

That group of soccer moms were really flexing their Karen Privilege when refusing to leave the city park even after the cops threatened to arrest them.

by UCF_RosenKnight April 23, 2020

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anime karen

anime karens are small young girls that have short greasy hair and usually are quite poor. they think anime's a lifestyle and if they watch a single episode they're instantly a massive fan. usually they trace art and claim its theirs. they also try and ship real and fake people in ships that are really un-realistic. like shipping a straight 14 year girl, with a 60 year old gay non-binary person. they continue to push anime up your freaking ass and will stop at nothing for their traced fan art to be noticed.

"omg alexis is such an anime karen."
"yeah, like yesterday she claimed i should be shipped with our 70 year old teacher mr barns, because we both have blue eyes"

by ๐ŸŒป หขโฑแต‰โฟโฟแตƒ ๐Ÿ‹ July 29, 2020

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Bald Karen

A Bald Karen is a man-karen that doesnโ€™t have enough hair to be a Ken. Itโ€™s more like a Dave. Bald Karens eat at Schlotskyโ€™s and own small fluffy white dogs. When they complain to the manager, they do it in a nice midwestern-y kind of way.

Hey, girl, did you see that Bald Karen over there complaining to the manager, but being too nice about it? Thatโ€™s a red flag. You know what Iโ€™m talmbout?

by BadAtty June 3, 2022

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Air Karen

A Karen who gets kicked off an airplane for not wearing a mask. Basically someone who for some reason would rather cancel their entire trip (that they spent their own time and money on) than grow up, suck it up, and just wear the darn thing for a couple hours.

Karen: *boards plane without mask on*
Flight attendant: "You have to wear a mask"
Karen: "I REFUSE TO WEAR A FACE DIAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Flight attendant: "Well, then, if you're not going to wear a mask, then I'm going to have to ask you to get off the plane"
Karen: *gets dragged off plane*
Passengers: "BYE AIR KAREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

by Pialinist May 2, 2021

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