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Keep it local

Editing all of the extras out of a story.Abreviatting a story or joke so the listener doesn't become bored or lose interest.

This chick just kept going on and on. I just wanted her to keep it local.

by klize September 5, 2010

keep it in Your Sneaker

If You have Weed Or Money , Keep it in your sneaker so No one finds Out....

Uncle Says " Hey Kid , Keep it in Your sneaker "

by Lyle Kellis April 24, 2022

Keeping bae at bay

Managing your man or woman from causing you trouble by keeping him in line.

Jon hasn't checked out liz's booty in the last 3 days. Clearly, I am keeping bae at bay.

by Fall Bondler June 7, 2017

keep it

it means i’m done hearing you and arguing.

Them: “I promise im not lying to you can we just talk about it”

Me: “keep it”

by ebkkjordan July 6, 2022

keep it a buck one thowie

keepin it a buck one thowie (buck 1000) is to be brutally honest with someone.

it’s like keepin it a buck fifty but more extreme.

lemme keep it a buck one thowie rn witchu bro, this song is ass.”

by scrotumsoldier October 21, 2023

4👍 4👎

Women nowadays don't know how to keep a man

Yeah, bitch, I saw it. Better believe I saw it. I see everything.

Hym "Along with the statement 'Women nowadays don't know how to keep a man' there is an implicit assumption that you could keep me. There is just so much arrogance packed into that seemingly innocuous statement that it's hard to take you seriously. And I know. I know you're sitting there thinking 'I wOuLdN't WaNt To-' IRRELEVANT! Entirely irrelevant! The point is you COULDN'T if you had to. You know I am the wrong person to talk to about what you want."

by Hym Iam March 3, 2023

Keeping a hand of cards

When you date and keep a handful of your Tinder matches you swept right on.

Are you seeing that person you met from Tinder exclusively, or are you "keeping a hand of cards?"

by The CELsta May 11, 2016