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Carthage College of Liberal Arts

Sandwiched between Chicago and Milwaukee this small liberal arts college is known for its disgruntled student body, beautiful campus, regular food poisoning outbreaks, and vicious Canadian Geese.

"I graduated from Carthage College of Liberal Arts."

"No way! In Kenosha Wisconsin? And you were happy you went?"
"Yep! One of the few who was happy. My freshman year I lost 10 pounds the food was so bad."

by The Creative Dyslexic August 4, 2021

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Liberal Hair Dye Brain Rot

A chronic condition spread by Jewish media causing affected patients to seek attention and quirky traits. This usually causes them to take on characteristics that aren't necessarily their own to seem interesting or make new categories that don't exist for their own self indulgence and delusional ideations. Presenting reality and factual statements with the support of science often unfuriates these individuals who meet these statements with hostility. They often have a thin veiled grasp of reality and it physically hurts them to hear the truth

Don't pay any mind to Rachael; formerly Richard... she suffers from Liberal Hair Dye Brain Rot. It causes her to not understand reality unless it's presented on twitter...

by Beef Titan 69 March 31, 2022

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Digitally Liberate Yourself

to liberate your digit (finger) from your arse, to pull your finger out

Scenario 1: "Come now, it is time we must digitally liberate ourselves and get started with this assignment."

Scenario 2: "I wish you would digitally liberate yourself and get moving."

by mischievous maverick April 10, 2010

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The best political affiliation, capturing within it all extremes of the political compass.

Willemstanโ€™s newest political party is the neo-capitalistic-liberalized-anarcho-nazbols

by NorseBerserker2835 January 24, 2020

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Danish Liberation Movement

Semi-clandestine but unformalized movement for the great liberation of the World through the small cookies started in Denmark.

Look at these cookies, dude ..!

Eh, these are Danish Liberation Movement cookies. Sure teste yammy.

by elly2 February 12, 2012

Liberal Smash

Most common attack used by Alt Right to protect the Republicans. It's a parody of attack used by All Might in anime Boku No Hero Academia

Alt Right: Face my Liberal Smash!

by Drocitto123 May 30, 2019

Liberal Arts and Science Academy

A public magnet high school in Austin, Texas. Commonly abbreviated to "LASA" or "LASA HS" although the latter doesn't really make sense since "Academy High School" is redundant. Used to share a building with LBJ but moved to the former Eastside/Johnston campus to relieve overcrowding.

Historically the school is one of the best academically, consistently ranked top 50 in the US. Prospective students must submit an entrance application to demonstrate their prowess. The school boasts high test scores and near perfect rates of graduation and acceptance to colleges. However, there is concern that admin is letting in too many retards after the move to the new building and that the school will become less "elite".

The atmosphere is quite sleepy and studious for the most part; no fights or bomb threats unlike every other school in Austin ISD. However, depression is commonplace and sleep deprivation is a flex. It's rare to go a day without hearing "kill myself" multiple times.

There is a high percentage of zesty people and other degenerates. The classes are filled with Asians and Indians who carry everyone else. Luckily, the Blacks at this school are chill (all 4 of them). Ironically it is one of the most diverse high schools in the district since many of them are 80%+ Mexican.

But despite being a respectably sized 5A school and having such a prestigious (so far) reputation, no one outside of AISD actually knows about it. It is unknown why LASA is so mysterious in the public eye.

LASA Kid #1: "Yo how do you use the Banach-Alaoglu Theorem for the function that satisfies the Riesz Representation Theorem over the Compact Hausdorff Space for question #1?"
LASA Kid #2: "Skibidi Balls"
LASA Kid #1: "Aww, thank you so much for the help pookie bear! Pull up to my house tonight; let's finish our homework and have gay sex!!!"
LASA Kid #2: "Sorry, but I have 29 different extracurricular activities to attend. I need to be constantly busy, depressed, and sleep deprived so I can sell my soul to Harvard."
LASA Kid #1: "Awesome! I'm gonna kill myself at exactly 8:42 PM tonight by ingesting 750 milligrams of potassium cyanide, chemical formula KCN."
LASA Kid #2: "What a totally average and normal conversation here at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy."

Vikramaditya Kusika Dattachaudhuri: "I go to the Liberal Arts and Science Academy."
Jack Smith (Westlake student): "Never heard of it, where's that?"
Vikramaditya: "In Austin ISD"
Jack: "Is it a private school?"
Vikramaditya: "Erm... acktuallyโ˜๏ธ๐Ÿค“, LASA's a public school. It's also the best one in the Austin area, according to USNEWS and Niche."

Kevin Ling: "I go the Liberal Arts and Science Academy"
TreVontarious D'arquise Quantell VII (LBJ student): "I'll beat yo ass nerd"

by LuckFasa October 3, 2024