The special one. No one will ever understand what the hell goes through her head but at the end of the day don’t bother questioning it. She will fight like hell for you but the moment you betray her trust you will be sorry. Always follow Megan’s advice she has been through the ringer but is always right, again don’t question it.
The will do the most embarrassing thing in front of strangers but will become shy as a puppy if she is uncomfortable. She will be shy around people at school but a psychopath, high on water with her friends. She can chug a bottle of vodka and not be drunk but will still only have 1 shot when out of the house.
She will never bother with short term relationships but is like a puppy. Play with it feed it, walk it and sleep and she will be happy. DO NOT LEAVE HER ON READ. She will question her life purpose if you don’t pick up the phone.
She will never admit she is pretty. Nor does she think it because she will always know she could be better but is a 1 in a million.
Friendly reminder don’t mess with Megan because she will make you pay.
“Megan oh I heard of her isn’t she that weird kid” - random person
Screams “The queen has arrived” as she walks in -Megan
The cutest, kindest, sweetest girl you’ll ever meet. She isn’t perfect because no one is, but she is as kind as someone gets. She is loyal and if you betray her trust she’ll be hard to get back, but will not betray yours as payback. She has eyes like the sea, and has been through rough things no one should have to experience. She only tells the closest people what those experiences are, and if she is your friend, never let her go. She’s the funniest person you’ll ever meet and if your sense of humor matches with hers, she’ll be your best friend for a very very long time. She takes a piece of your heart in a good way, but that means losing her would mean losing that piece of your heart, forever.
I myself am lucky enough to know a Megan. And am lucky enough that she likes me. Losing her would be the worst thing to happen to me. It would mean losing my own self.
Megan has many friends. And people really do adore, and look up to her. I love her. She is the most interesting, intelligent, beautiful, humourous woman, with those gorgeous eyes I'd love to look into just before kissing and tasting her lips for the very first time! Megan, I am in love with you. I'm awkward, and I've made so many mistakes I don't know how you still accept me. But if you let me, I will be yours. I will love you! And help you, support you, care for you.
I love Megan!
A girl who appears to look like a guy and hates when her name is spelled wrong. It’s megan not MEGHAN OR MEAGAN! She’s really ugly and depressed and only has one love. An anime boy named Kokichi who is gay. She often contemplates suicide.
Police man: *does autopsy* oh its a girl. That’s surprising!
Random person #2: Oh, that must be Megan then!
Big ass,sexy af,popular and so nice if you meet a Megan never let her go.while she is sexy she is really nice and really funny.when you first meet you will think no I don't want to be friends with that bitch but when you become friends with her you realize that she is really important to you.
Boy:"wow she is so sexy"
Boys mate:"I herd she's called Megan"
Boy:"she is my new gf "
Megan is a bitch
Patricia:omg is that Megan
Tommy:yea she a bitch