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Ian Animation

The most average YouTube animator with a “unique” upload schedule to put it nicely

“who the hell is Ian Animation

by Ian Animation April 14, 2022

2👍 1👎

Tay Animations

Tay Animations is a YouTube story time animator with 400 subscribers as of the time of writing this definition. She is best known for coining the term ‘ascamatics’.

Michael Can’t Draw is better than Tay Animations in every way.

by Michael Can’t Draw January 19, 2020

Blubz the animator

An animator who is a smol creator and whilst writing this has

220 subs

that is a blubz the animator because that is a hit

by Blubz the animator December 11, 2022

animation squad

white crackers power point

members of animation squad includes white guy white guy asian girl white guy etc

by xX_coolmandude_XX9999 November 8, 2018

90s Anime

You know guys anime was actually good in the 90s it wasn't filled with waifus and the same 1 guy protagonist teenager character. Also the plots were actually deep and meaningful.

What you wont find in 90s anime: Kirito Jr. is coming to save us he has less personality then Kirito but at least he is a nice guy.

by Anonguyson March 20, 2023

Filthy Animal

The term filthy animal origins from the artist Des Rocs. He refers to his fans/followers as filthy animals, filthy rats or just rats for that matter.

The Filthy Animals can be seen as the Des Rocs fan base.

Rat 1: Filthy Animals have such good taste in music.
Rat 2: ikr!!!

by Hazu January 2, 2023

anime arc

The chapter in an anime that focuses on a direct subject, character or villian

There are the Future Trunks arc and the Tournament of Power anime arcs in dragon ball super

by TaVe-Ronin November 6, 2020