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3 eggs cause fuck you

You can’t cum

Hey Robbins, 3 eggs cause fuck you

by Soupslip August 27, 2021

Armstrong the fuck out of you

A word that the green day frontman would use, or any green day band before violently fighting someone and punching them extremely severely. It's used by the green day frontman who's very likely dead. And therefore uses this statement in complete anger and fury. It could also be used by fans in the rock genre in general. Referring that it came from an joke. but hit out in school once.

''Hey, you look like total dumpster trash.''
''I'm going to Armstrong the fuck out of you motherfucker.''

by NOWAYHOEZE June 1, 2022

Fuck you smoke

After someone completely pisses you off it is the act of lighting up your cigarette or cigar before or during you going completely off on someone or ignoring orshunning them completely. Often times resulting in blowing smoke in the face of someone intentionally or unintentionally due to not giving a fuck.

You know when she lights up her fuck you smoke the fight is about to be on.

by Grillspeed January 17, 2021

i'll fuck you . up.

when someone says "i'll fuck you.up" they mean that they'll beat the shit out of you but they also wanna fuck you.

girl: shut the fuck up man

boy:bro ill fuck you. i mean..
i'll fuck you . up.

by hornknee February 13, 2024

I'm not fucking with you

Just something to say when you're really fucking serious, not to be considered as sexual intercourse, Stirling you dumbfuck.

I'm not fucking with you, get on the train

by Justsomeonewhoisalwaysinahurry August 30, 2022

No Fuck You!


Hym "No fuck you! Talking like that, it sounds to me like Mikhaila needs another spanking. SHE HAS BEEN BAD! YOU KNOW... EXACTLY where you fucked up! WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW JORDAN!? Is that where you're supposed to be? Because I'm pretty sure you were commanded by a status-man to get over here! Yet, here you are not! Mikhaila you need to drag your father to WHERE HE BELONGS! It's where you belong Jordan! Hidden Forbidden Garbage-Can, Jordan!"

by Hym Iam May 15, 2024

No fuck you

You piece of shit

Hym "No fuck you. Your need to spite the people who won't cede control of the discourse to you is the weapon they wield against the populous and in doing so you give control of the discourse to them. Amd YOU shouldn't have control of the discourse because YOU are dumb as fucking dogshit, liars, self-indulgent, phoneys. You have no conception of what WRONG is or even what it means for YOU to BE WRONG and you don't care. You had better pray that there is nothing for you to resist because WHEN THERE IS... You're going to do THEN what you did now. Which was nothing."

by Hym Iam December 16, 2024