Source Code

popcorn pimp

1. Orville Redenbacher

Orville Redenbacher is a popcorn pimp.

by Whoreville May 16, 2008

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Pimp Squat

A pimp squat is a type of pimp that rest haven hos flock to, that allows his ho's to be lazy, he will fuck his main ho knowing she is ignoring her tricks, & allowing ho's to rip off good tricks; because, essentially he's to lazy, or scared to pimp hard. He's a broke simp that is getting pimped by the ho.

"Who's that calling you??" ,pimp squat asked his ho.
"Oh that's just sugar daddy Larry, I was expecting his call it's pay day, daddy." says ho to pimp squat.
"Fuck larry ho! Its your day off! & this my pussy ho you ain't going nowhere today let's cuddle!" says pimp squat..

by diegodondoem June 20, 2009

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

pimp steaks

A hot dog, possibly sold from a vendor on the street, or picked up at your local supermarket.

I got burgers and pimp steaks on the grill, if anyone want em.

by haaji January 12, 2009

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pimp meister

The BIGGEST pimp in the world EVER. He does business around Woking and is known as 'MR Moody' or the 'pimp meister'

Matt: doesn't the pimp meister have a wife know?
George: Yerp names Janice innit
Joe: OH i thout that was a hippopotomus

by nocheesetonight July 5, 2007

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Facebook Pimp

a guy who can seemingly get loads of woman over facebook apps, but can't really get the same in real life

I have only had one girlfriend, but over facebook so many girls want me. My friends refer to me as a facebook pimp

by Busby Berkeley April 28, 2009

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pimp uniform

a universal outfit designated for the use of pimps only, even though many white people known as wiggers wear them. a pui(pimp uniform) can help hoes find their pimp because he will be easier to spot. pui's are also pretty damn cool.

nig 1-"yo u see dat nigga in that pui?"
nig 2-"damn i gots ta get myself some of dat shit."
nig 1-"ya but u white"
nig 2-"oh shit."

by ralphie jones the sequel July 11, 2004

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Flamingo pimp

A person that where’s bling with tiny ass legs compared to the rest of there body

Pepa is a fucking flamingo pimp

by Flamingo pimp October 21, 2019