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Cvnting Season

A Season where you serve cunt way more then usual. You can only be in cvnting season if you were already cvnty to begin with

Person 1: Why do you guys have high heels on?

Person 2: Duh it's cvnting season

by Tammyaep March 11, 2024

Settling Season

More like Settling Season
Symptoms include: gaining weight, staying at home, checking your phone, making an effort to cook

Aaa shayze, i think i caught meself Settlitis. Will go to the gym and start using Tinder.
Well, dumbo, its Settling Season

by Krkič August 3, 2019

buffing season

Buffing season is what follows Cuffing Season. This other half of the year, begins after a short Spring break, and is perhaps the more public time of relationships. ‘Buffing season’ is where the same single or coupled people begin looking for longer term viability of said partnership(s) for the rest of the other seasons. Buffing season usually begins in April to May, as in ‘I may… want to get more active or fit or stay relatively as-is, as is preferable to the couple, to get to enjoy the summer months more in the buff, as desired… It makes sense then, for buffing season to be motivated one way or another by the warmer weather. Some people get more buff in this season, just as some continue the cuff.

After a cozy cuffing season of lots of netflix and chill, they dusted off the gym equipment to get ready for Buffing Season, and get beach ready.

by innernetartpeoples September 21, 2021

Season's Greason's

An winter event in which large yeti-like creatures are attacked by small sasquatch-like creatures. It makes beautiful scenery for a holiday photo.

Person 1: Season's Greason's!
Person 2: Really? Let me get my phone, I need to take a picture.
Person 1: Please send it to me when you're done, I need something to text my family this year.

by MetricButtTon January 19, 2024

SnapBack season

Word created by Brittany matthews ,of Texas . It is summer time when people be snapping and you SNAPBACK because it’s SnapBack season

Someone being rude to you during summer time ?

You say you better watch out it’s SnapBack season and I will snap back.

by June 8, 2023

SnapBack season

A word made up by Brittany Nicole Matthews of Tx . It means when someone snaps at you ~ you snap back

Snap back season is only during summer time because it’s a heated month 🤣

Other person to you: you look fat
Me: better watch out, it’s snap back season and you don’t want me to say something back during SnapBack season you’ll get your feeling hurt for sure

by June 8, 2023

freaky season

A day where everyone is super freaky to who ever they want (legally).

Yo you heard freaky season is tmrw?
.nah I didn't hear about it yet.
Well it's where everyone gets super freaky with who ever they want to

.can't wait for freaky season :D

by Freakbob June 7, 2024