Christmas is an annual christian celebration of Christ's birth on the 25th of December!
Secret Santa is a event that is held at Christmas. It will need 3 or more people. Each player will receive another players name. Then a player will have to purchase/give something for the player they've been given before the 25th of December! That player has the choice to choose anything for the player they was given.
Player 1 received a lump of coal off player 5 this year for Secret Santa.
Person 1: What's the secret password?
Person 2: Please?
Person 1: No.
We all know lexy, A fun guy but what some people don't know is that lexy is just a nickname he's name is Actually Alex he is a cool guy but we all know that lexy broke up with zabrang but do we know why??? Well the reason is because lexy has been obnoxious to her so later when they broke do u guys think lexy stopped at that to just let zabrang go? The answer is no! Lexy still had feelings for her but unfortunately zabrang be giving him cards which led to lexy to change his name to "Depressed kid" lexy hates sammy cos he thinks sammy is trying to steal zabrang from him which is kinda true in that moment... Well there you have it that is the reason of lexy break up next; does lexy have a girlfriend????
The "secret tap" is a special gesture communicated by a hockey linesman to the head referee for when he wants a minor penalty called on the play. Often used to make minor hockey games more interesting or by lesser qualified referees leaning on the linesmens help.
Logan often had to use the "secret tap" with Alex as he missed multiple infractions per period.
Playing seven up but instead of tapping their thumb you ejaculate on their face.
Let’s go back to my place to play some secret frosty.
Your own personal uncle that is secret to the rest of the world.
Mikalah: I swear i have a secret uncle.
Madi: I don’t believe you, show me.
mikalah: I can’t it’s a secret!