When you hate your ex and shit on his porch.
Sarah took a Penrose Steamer on Jakes trailer porch because she was drunk.
When you go on a long run, and don't quite make it home in time to use the bathroom, so you take a nice shit in the parking lot of a Catholic Church
I left a Catholic Steamer after a long run. Sorry Father John
a drink made of montucky beer and orleans aperitif.
named such because kansas city is the perfect blend of montana, kentucky, and france.
next round of kansas city steamers is on me!
When she eats boiled crawfish and get the bubble guts. You spread her meat flaps while she is releasing all her fury. All that seasoning covers her man in the boat. Now you have a Jourdan River Steamer
She loves getting a Jourdan River Steamer on the dock.
To have sex with someone three times your age plus two
i.e. if you are 18, partner is 56
hey matey, I earned my steamer's ticket last night. I slept with an old bird on a cruise ship after she gave me a tug on the dance floor
When a man shits on a cat, and the women eats it off it. While talking in English accents. Twice
"I love when my boyfriend wants to do a Pittsburg Steamer in bed with me."
When a woman takes a huge dump on a man and then swings head first into the defecation, as though she is swinging in the jungle.
Wow, Shalyn just took a huge reverse jungle steamer on Willie and poop sprayed everywhere.