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2012 steve

The phrase used to describe a guy who has a girlfriend and refuses to hangout or acknowledge his guy friends because his head is so far up her ass

"Hey ,have you heard from Michael Bolton lately? "No he's being a 2012 Steve"

by DaddyEncyclopedia December 5, 2016

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Steve Robbins

The epitome of awesome. The best in the universe. More mystical than a unicorn.

John: "That's awesome!" Laura: "Oh, that's Steve Robbins!"

by PJip July 21, 2015

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The Steve Bannon

When you lick the butthole, then the dick.

Bro, it was so weird... We were hooking up and everything was going great, but all of a sudden, she went for the Steve Bannon :(

by Squidjunknasty January 21, 2018

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Steve Irwin

verb. To strike another person with the tips of the fingers in a jabbing motion, directtly in the center of the chest, as if to imitate the sting ray that caused Irwin's death.

Dudeman, I totally Steve Irwined Jason at school today.

by Matt Ciani May 20, 2008

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Sloppy Steve

Pleasuring yourself at 6:30 pm in bed next to a burger.

"what are your plans for the weekend"
"Nothing much going to head to McDonalds and maybe have a sloppy steve"
"Dude Thats gross you'll get special sauce everywhere"

by SiFionn January 6, 2018

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Steve Irwin

An Australian weirdo who makes it a habbit of using the word 'Crikey' (however you spell it) while sexually molesting large reptiles or small mammals. While doing so, he often gives a detailed report on how they live eat and move around, so as to draw attention away from his intimate activity with the creature in question. It should also be noted that his posse consists entirely of lesbian ninja clowns.
-See Lesbian Ninja Clowns

There goes Steve Irwin and his posse of lesbian ninja clowns...

by Get off of me! April 7, 2004

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steve carell

He love carpet.
He love desk.
He love lamp.

If you dont get that joke then go see Anchorman and then after that go see the 40 Year Old Virgin and then after that start watching The Office.

I like watching Steve Carell waxing his chest hair off.

by Theory's apprentice July 1, 2006

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