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Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents and eight great-great-grandparents in common.

My quadruple-third-cousin is a good person.

by Gerald128 May 15, 2021


Living being that has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents and eight great-great-grandparents in common with other living beings.


by Simaduria July 26, 2024

Angulorius The Third

Napoleon’s reclaimer.

You are brave and skibidi, just like Angulorius The Third

by Angulorius The Third March 4, 2024

Third Grade

The grade where school foes from fun to hell. Being one of two "upper grades" of elementary school along with fourth grade, teachers become more strict to their students.

Dad: How was Third Grade
Me: It was boring as fuck

by Tyler2003 September 28, 2020

third legacy

For a male or female to have a third leg that is a known be many and be loved and feared at the same time.

There goes Tammy right there, you know she's the one that has the third legacy.

by Tammy's bitch January 15, 2011


Someone who, in relation to others, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents and eleven great-great-grandparents in common.


by Cerejini May 21, 2024


Living being that has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents and eleven great-great-grandparents in common with other living beings.


by Simaduria July 26, 2024