A day when you decide to wear your rick owens shoes in in order to possibly match with your significant other :D
You: Hey you’re wearing your ricks as well!
Significant other: Yeah! Its Wear your ricks day!
A term used in "The Office" which references someone's deceased dog.
1. Juan: Yo did you pull that ugly ass chick?
Diego: Nah, she ghosted me.
Juan: Even Rick's dog could've pulled that bitch.
2. Rick's dog died
I went into store to sell in some product but Rick the Snake beat me to it.
A rare high school French teacher found at barker college who teaches life lessons and is a all round legend
Famous quotes
Good show
Great stuff
On fire
I am going to let you loose on language perfect
Rick daddy is my god
Ricky is the holy one
A rare high school French teacher found at barker college who teaches life lessons and is a all round legend
Famous quotes
Good show
Great stuff
On fire
I am going to let you loose on language perfect
Rick daddy is my god
Ricky is the holy one
A verb meaning to say something so stupid while on the campaign trail that it might have ruined your chance at election. The term comes from Rick Perry's 2012 presidential campaign, where he posted an advert, heavily implying that "gays serving in the military" is wrong. This was at a time of great favour for LGBT rights in the United States, and the public turned his presidential campaign into a joke, which likely cost him many votes, and completely discredited him.
To pull a rick perry is to say something so idiotic, ignorant, or so unpopular that it makes you look like a complete idiot, and therefore costs you any chance you had at being elected.
When Mike Huckabee said that he "wished that he was transgender in high school so he could shower with the girls", he pulled a Rick Perry