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Wet Cake

Wet cake is when you take any form of wet cake (like a Gateau), and you throw it at your sexual partner and then proceed to fuck them and the cake. You then have to eat the cake once you are done.

Bro 1: Did you see the game last night?
Bro 2: I was busy, out with Susan.
Bro 1: Whoa! How did that go?
Bro 2: I Wet caked her.
Bro 1: Fuck yeah!

*bro 1 and 2 high-five*

by Mr.Squirrel November 19, 2013

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

wet hand

a overly perverted person who gets no action therfore he may have wet hands as a result of personal plesure

that kid who sits in the back with his head down and his hands in his pockets is a wet hand

by no pockets January 15, 2008

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Wet Fag

The scent in a crowded gay bar on ocean drive in Miami during a torrential downpour.

"It smells like wet fag in here."

by UrbanGirlInFL July 11, 2008

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Wet Bathurst

For the car lovers a wet bathurst is when you get your girl to lie naked on the road and you reverse your car, it has to be a Holden of Ford, so that the rear tire is resting on her gash. You then proceed to do burnouts on her causing, at first some enjoyment, then sheer pain as her growler is torn apart and her blood and flesh is splattered all over the road making her body look like a dead carcus.

Ben: Hey bro your car looks fully sick but your tyres look a bit bald.
Kev: Yeah bro thats cause i gave your sister a wet bathurst last night and she has one hairy growler.

by freddy182 October 18, 2009

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Wet Slap

When a women slaps a mans face with the wet lips of her vigina. Thus making a slapping sound.

I got wet slapped for being naught under the sheets.

by irusthevirus November 26, 2008

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Wet Raccoon

A wet raccoon is a tradition handed down throughout the generations as the act of clapping your ass-cheeks together on someones nose.
This is generally used with force, unless the victim is passed out.

Variation - Brown clown nose: If you want to go all-out, you can push a little and leave a lump of crap on the idiots nose. Resembling a fake clown nose.
but made out of crap.

Jerry was being a fag so Tom got his friends to hold Jerry down while he gave him a wet raccoon.

man 1: "Hey buddy, that was one nice wet raccoon you gave the drunk guy last night!"
man 2: "He has yet to discover the shit-stain on his nose. And i feel much better about myself inside!"

by Robrobrockstar February 6, 2006

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Wet Biscuit

This is a game where one's friends get in to a small group and form a circle and all start to wank over a chocolate biscuit the last to come loses and must eat the biscuit

This could possbily make the loser very ill but a friend of mine who did it lost and had to eat the biscuit and he said man come tasted salty!!

by Bob March 26, 2005

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