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"Omg I hate fuckboys!!" "You mean like blake?!"

by Soccer948186 May 17, 2017



Ramboy is a fuckboy

by Potato243 August 21, 2022


A fuckboy is a “boy” typically the age of 13 to 16, he is very basic, he has the most basic instagram name, it usually begins with “dxddy” or “papi” something like that. They’re usually Mexican or black, they love jordons, theyre not known to be the skinniest, but still manage to get a “girlfriend”, But they break up with that girlfriend after two days and get a new one in 1.3 seconds and claim their old one broke up with them. They always want “pics” and they always ask “are you a virgin?” They send unexpected dick pics without context, they get mad over the slightest like if you don’t send those “pics”. Their mother is the only woman they claim to respect even though we know they don’t theyre just whiny shits, they try to show off wads of cash, guns and drugs that they don’t really do or own, they have their ears Pierced, And they ALWAYS have the fuckboy haircut, it’s long at the top, usually slicked up with gel or it’s curled, and then they have a fade on the sides, meaning it’s buzzed, oh and they claim they’re not a fuck boy, and they also almost always live in California.

Fuckboy- “hey mommy lemme see dat ass
Girlfriend- “I’m busy
Fuckboy- “fuck you bitch we done”

by Oldwetblanket March 25, 2018


cameron edward chaves

the fuckboy has a small dick, it's all good hopefully they make condoms for 2 inch dicks

by yooogirlwhospeaksthetruth April 18, 2017


a little boy going around acting like he's the shit and all the girls want him. Usually wears vans with tube socks, shorts, either button up shirts or thrasher shit, has his hair slicked back , carries a comb with him, and wears way to much axe or old spice. Always says you're pretty or beautiful then asks for nudes or sex.

damn, jacob is hot.. too bad hes a fuckboy.

by babygirlanna((: April 10, 2017


A fuckboy is who starts small talk with girls but would bring up sex topics within the next three sentences. Because he doesn't really give a shit to how you are today, instead, the only thing he's interested in is how to take advantage of you to make his dick wet. You can tell if he is a fuckboy by seconds. He may show extreme upset or even cry out to deny it when hears you call him fuckboy, and then apologies for his "dirty jokes" meanwhile claims he really loves you. But do NOT give in to it. Cause once a fuckboy always a fuckboy. He is just the weakest creature who has absolutely no control over his primitive desires. With all due respect, show some sympathy to those fuckboys because they usually end up being a loser in their pathetic lives. No girl would like to be with them once she realizes his fuckboy essence.

fuckboy: hey, how are you doing?
girl: good. you?
fuckboy: i got a headache today
girl: oh sorry to hear that
fuckboy: maybe sex would help hahahaha
girl: (such a fuckboy)
fuckboy: (after 10 mins) no cam? right?
girl:(you go fuck yourself)
fuckboy: no! i'm not looking for camsex. I hate/love you! you're my only one :(...

by Amelia Cooper June 28, 2017


A fuckboy is who starts small talk with girls but would bring up sex topics within the next three sentences. Because he doesn't really give a shit to how you are today, instead, the only thing he's intereted in is how to get you to make his dick wet. You can tell if he is such a fuckboy by seconds. He may show extream upset or even cry out to deny it when hear you call him fuckboy, and then apologies for his "dirty jokes" meanwhile claims he really loves you. But do NOT give in to it. Cause once a fuckboy always a fuckboy. He is just the weakest creature who has absolutely no control over his primitive desires. With all due respect, show some sympathy to those fuckboys because they usually end up being a loser in their pathetic lives. No girl would like to be with them once she realizes his fuckboy essence.

fuckboy: hey, how are you doing?
girl: good. you?
fuckboy: i got a headache today
girl: oh sorry to hear that
fuckboy: maybe sex would help hahahaha
girl: (such a fuckboy)
fuckboy: (after 10 mins) no cam? right?
girl:(you go fuck yourself)
fuckboy: no! i'm not looking for camsex. I hate/love you! you're my only one :(...

by Amelia Cooper June 24, 2017