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Ava stans

The worst Twitter account on the mfing app

Person 1: ava stans bad
Person 2: W

by sami__the_great November 6, 2020

Ava stans

Worst Twitter account on the god damn app

Person 1: ava stans is the worst account on Twitter on god
Person 2: W imo

by sami__the_great November 6, 2020

Stan army

Stan army is a group of 2 years old that bully people for fun because they insult someone who will never date them.

I'm apart of the kpop Stan army an I shall "cancel" you

by KILLER_DEATH011 COME ADD ME January 13, 2022

lucy stan

when ur bsf lucy is so cool and hot u make an urban dictionary definition for them

lorena: omg im a lucy stan!
spyder: same!
ryan: omg so am i!
davian: no way, same!
mateo: me too!
aya: same here!
cass: wow me too!
leah: yay more lucy stans!
majo: yay!

This is satire I promise

by go away toot! July 30, 2021

Tommy innit stan

A disgusting virgin, usually tucked into dark corners watching a loud teenager while making illegal rule 34 of him and his friend, a far relative of the much more tame Tommy Innit fan. The most dangerous version is on the social media app Tik Tok usually pressing on their disgusting idea's like Zoophilia is valid, and many other things like how Tommy Innit is better than team crafted, we describe these ideas as "Cap". It's best to not interact with these creatures, out of risk of catching this horrible disease

Holy shit a Tommy Innit stan. Run don't catch the virgin disease.

by Lmao sleepy February 11, 2022

Jacob stan

A term usually used to insult people you don't like. Jacob stan referring to #TeamJacob in the Twilight fandom.

Omg quit it Jacob stan!

by Claymyerzz October 2, 2021

Sillycone Stan

A fat whore who is known to dick-ride their owner lia (LiasRoyal) who is a FAGGOT PUSSY who is a blackfisher and denies it. Another word for this phrase is Cunt and "Megatron Snowflake"

Don't be a Sillycone Stan!

by AstroShoots November 14, 2021