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booty baiting

When ladies bait boys with their booty on the dance floor

D: yo Connie wherecha goin?
C: imma go booty baiting.... brb

by notvictor July 13, 2014

Prison bait

people who are put into prison for petty charges

all it achieves is prison bait

by mofigori November 13, 2018

Better baiting bolt beating

The AI equivalent of post nut clarity. Often used when a discord bot is screwed and needs a few kinks worked on.

Person 1: Right now, it's a bot issue, as in the bot isn't doing what we tell it to do lol
Person 2: That bot needs to relieve some sexual tension

Person 3:So what I'm understanding is your saying the bot needs a better baiting bolt beating release?
Person 1: huh!?
Person 2: I perform better after a tune up.
Person 3: So you need to get better at baitin and beatin them bolts and the bot will think clearly

by XwtfbobX October 18, 2022

Better baiting bolt beating

The AI equivalent of post nut clarity. Often used when a discord bot is screwed and needs a few kinks worked on.

Person 1: Right now, it's a bot issue, as in the bot isn't doing what we tell it to do lol
Person 2: That bot needs to relieve some sexual tension

Person 3:So what I'm understanding is your saying the bot needs a better baiting bolt beating release?
Person 1: huh!?
Person 2: I perform better after a tune up.
Person 3: So you need to get better at baitin and beatin them bolts and the bot will think clearly

by XwtfbobX October 18, 2022


to attempt to, or succeed in hooking up with someone much younger than oneself

Jay:Did you see Matt baby-baiting Nicole's kid sister last night?

Kay:So totally, bro. Matt is such a cradlesnatcher!

by crzydoktor August 19, 2009

1👍 1👎

bait job

A job that is posted by a company and/or recruiter with the intention of never filling the position. Some reasons for this include gathering resumes to "see what's out there" or to make it appear to the public that they are growing more than they actually are. More nefarious motives include harvesting people's personal data or using the job as part of a bait and switch, where people apply for one job but are instead directed towards another, usually less desirable, one during the interview process.

Fooled by another bait job. I applied for "Lead Software Developer" but was told at the interview I'd be a better fit for "Janitor."

by DJ Fitness July 10, 2019

Religion baiting

Religion baiting is a sub genre of fear baiting. It is type of content that usually starts with “scroll if you hate Jesus”. Which uses Religion as a way to stop you. And it uses fear of going to hell as a way to make you watch the video. The content creator then proceeds to tell you to comment, like, and subscribe if you love Jesus. It makes kids interact with their video pushing it to more people.

Some of the worst people on earth: “I have an idea! I should use Religion baiting to get more subscribers on my shitty Roblox YouTube Shorts account.”

by ALPHA-C May 1, 2024