When your bro plays wingman for you without you knowing. He then, after the fact, tells you about how he hooked you up. Your bro is now entitled to one cock-block anytime and anyplace.
Your bro has a facebook conversation with the chick he's trying to get with as well as her sister whom you had a great time with over the weekend. When you come up in the conversation, he defends you and puts in a good word. The next day in the gym he shows you the conversation and says you owe him for playing wingman. This is legit; he is now entitled to one cock-block which is considered Bro tax.
Gone far enough, wants to shank Bowser for thinking it's a trio.
"That's far enough mash bro!"
"I'll shank you, this ain't a trio!
A very good amazing friend that you'll ever find, the dragon part meaning they are never extinct and the bro is the part for they are close to you like a brother...
He's my dragon bro!
When you have a friend that sees you doing something gay, so he yells out "Bro, that's gay!".
Bryan: Kisses Mitch
Ryan: Bro, that's gay!
Bros that help each other score on Tinder by providing background information about girls they have previously matched with and help prevent each other from incidentally becoming Eskimo Brothers.
My Tinder Bro saved me a lot of time by letting me know this Tinderella was a prude
A soap opera that a guy can justify watching. Something that is based on something that men can relate to, without realizing they are watching a soap opera
Sons of Anarchy is a real bro opera, that me and all the guys talk about at work
Any guy that exhibits Bro "qualities" such as hyper-masculinity, a penchant for cheap beer, and talking about "pussy" constantly. However, unlike the full-fledged Bro, Bro-lites lack muscle mass, usually study majors in math and science, attempt to display the emotionless facade of Bros (who can't comprehend more than what their dick is feeling) but fail, have a lackluster experience with women, and (while they do wear boat shoes) do not wear backwards hats or shutter shades.
Quick definition: a Bro-mobile ran a red light (as usual) and crashed into a well-styled Metro(sexual)bus, and their baby was the Bro-lite.
Displays a penchant for Ralph Lauren polos/sweaters, but not for sports jerseys. Enjoys wearing blazers with khakis and ironic bow ties.
Tom: "Hey that's such a bro over there!"
Dan: "Nah, that's just a Raffi; he's totally Bro-lite, and he goes to NYU!"
Gabe: "Your friend Rick talks like a total Bro, but he studies engineering and has the frame of a teenager."
Chris: "Oh, that's because he is Bro-lite!"