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Commit Tentacle Church

For when your D&D party doesn't want to deal with the DM's bullshit, and just burns down the building/church/tower that contains the encounter that they had worked for weeks on.

"You see several Mind Flayers through the open doors of the church. Will you go inside to confront them and save the town?"
"We're going to burn it down."
"We're going to Commit Tentacle Church on it."

by Marven Songsteel December 3, 2019


The process of exchanging worms of the anus through the contact of one bum to another.

C Money was tube-churching K-Raw last night when Dude Baby was beating up his girlfriend, God Warrior Baby.

by god warrior baby November 3, 2010

Dick Church

Founded by the first king of dicks and his council of cocks. Worshipping the dick kings dick. It is all powerful and grants the gift of life. It is a sin to cum in a place other then the woman's vagina because it's considered a wasted life. Our greatest holiday is in the month of December. It is called dickcember. For 31 days a group of 12 or more people, 6 males and 6 females, are locked in a room where they then have a battle royal with their genitals. The last one standing is crowned king of dicks until the next dickcember.

Worshipping takes place on the equinoxes. To hail the sun and the moon as they cum together

"Let's go to dick church."

by Constrain December 6, 2017

Bass Church

Anytime a dubstep event is occurring

You want to get stoned and go to Bass Church at the Dragon's Den.

by ๐Ÿ„-Dough$ยฅ$-๐Ÿ„ January 16, 2018

brady church


brady church is a manwhore

by gogobradychurch March 20, 2019

church made

To be so scared that you have to go to church and pray.

Bet you wanna get high, or are you Church Made

by Twitch420 March 13, 2011

Church tabernacle

its a fuckin weird church were they do weird ass cult shit and rape people

do go to the Church tabernacle you will be raped

by justin von wolfgang January 16, 2008

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