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a sub human who couldn't get a job as a gym teacher because they're either too stupid or too much of a prick (or both)

This cop truly is a worthless prick

by sdklfjsklrgnklsg January 24, 2024


to cop is either to get some of that kush, or even sm0ke it

Hey man, wanna cop some purple tonight?

by zubi_bunny June 19, 2020


Disgusting pieces of racist shit

Cops are fucking cows bro

by Daddy568 September 6, 2020


One thing a young cop that really does want to improve relations betweens police officers and civilians has working against him is that there is no one more full of shit than a cop, except a cop on TV. An idealistic guy in his early 20's might not see that yet, even if other people do. It's not the kind of thing they would teach you at an academy, even if it might save a life on either side of the law for both sides of the law to know it.

You want to appear to be a cop or do you want to be a cop? You want to be on TV?

- Dingham

by The Original Agahnim January 26, 2022


A nickname given to policemen. "Cop" is short for "copropheliac", given due to their marked interest in the worst elements (the excrement) of our society, and the things that they tend to trade in.

Watch out, here come the cops! They're looking to confiscate our shit!

by the.real.geek.neo May 1, 2023


To be angry or pissed of at someone. Anger

Why are you in a cop with me?
What you copping for?
I'm in a cop with Anna

by xbabyabyx December 10, 2007


Cop means do/get

Henry cop reading with me

by Henry cool kid October 25, 2014