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A tall man with some frosting dribbled on his cheek when talking to you. Usually pulls you over for no reason and asks if you had alchohol. Then asks to search your car. Assholes.

"Oh shit here we go again."

*Cop walks up with his taser*
"I'm gonna have to get a search warrant."

"Fuck you stupid cop."

by vokeswagaon July 27, 2019



1. Someone who talks shit about people behind their back, but acts entirely normal and/or friendly towards those people. Similar to how an undercover cop would act around people they plan to bust.

2. Someone who is naturally two-faced, but is completely oblivious to it.

Similar to:
- narc
- snitch

PERSON 1: So Joey was talking shit about you behind your back.
PERSON 2: I could see that. He was saying some shit about you a couple days ago too.
PERSON 3: Yeah Joey's a total cop. Someone should tell him.

by Richard Mahogany March 31, 2020


An extremely cowardly person. The lowest level of being a coward.

“Why are you behaving so violently without provocation? Are you a cop?”

by Velcro April 23, 2021


To get shot at and take a slug

"Ive copped a few shells but i dont walk with a limp"-50 Cent

by hatabitchsmacka February 6, 2004


Anyone who enforces codes of conduct, rules and/or guidelines.

That boy's a cop, trying to lay diwn the "law".

by Lxver Bxy June 4, 2019


When a person is trying to buy something they need

Hey im trying to cop these shoes.

by aa.drea May 30, 2017


Plural Acronym for constable on patrol

The police/constable was patroling the streets all night looking for bad guys. The precinct call them cops

by Burgerboy118 October 25, 2018