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Iri Kwstak Power Top disorder

An ethereal beauty ready to dominate the universe. It is defined by an excessive obsession over goth , dominant , intelligent communist women. The first case of IKPTD was discovered by AKS (for confidential reasons the name will be hidden).

-Hey how have you been ?
-Dude I cant stop thinking about her its taking over my life , i want her to ruin me.
-Thats the definitely a case of Iri Kwstak Power Top Disorder (IKPTD) , you should get it checked out by a doctor or something.

by nightvbluez April 29, 2024

Seasonal Midterm Disorder

Similar to Seasonal Affective Disorder, SMD occurs at the same time every year, typically the late September to Early October (unless you are on the quarter system in which case F*** you). Symptoms include long hours in the library, lack of hygiene and exercise, and even in rare cases transport to an alternate dimension where everyone is sleep deprived and has a constant headache. Typically only last 1-2 weeks, but if your professor is one of these guys: "I'm going to have my midterm on the off weeks so that you guys aren't overwhelmed", it can last the entire semester.

"You look sad, is something wrong?"

"Nothing in particular, its just that Seasonal Midterm Disorder's got me down,"
"Oh know, will it end soon?"
"Nope, my professor decided to have 'small' tests every two weeks instead of midterms"
"Well, you're fucked"

by Jim? James? Jimothy? October 3, 2017

Over-Stressing Disorder

a non medical term meaning Mental, physical, and or emotional tension caused by a threatening or overwhelming situation and or a fear of being stressed out that affects a persons lifestyle. Typically leads to more profound traits such as Suicide, OCD, and PTSD

Bill was diagnosed with Over-Stressing Disorder

by CrackerTweaker October 24, 2019

Primal Fuck Disorder

After Sex, a man starts to channel his inner primal instincts and begins acting like a wild primate. This usually results in the man going out and having sex with as many women as he sees and beating up anyone he sees as competition. The man is not in control when in this state, thus why it is a disorder. This disease proves there is a link between humans and apes.

Phil: Poor Josh... he beat up a guy to the point of death and fucked dozens of chicks while screaming like an ape!

Peter: He doesn’t have what I think he has, right?
Phil: Yes... He has the Primal Fuck Disorder or PFD for short

by Derkadurr February 9, 2019

asshole disorder

Asshole disorder is someone who talks a lot of shit about others

Hey man, you have to go see a psychologist so you can manage your asshole disorder properly.

by KickinIncrediblyDopeSh*t November 27, 2014

SOD (Sri Obsession Disorder)

The SOD refers to an unhealthy obsession with @ihategionna/tmhtlneedy/gionnaismywife; so much so that people who get affected by this disorder can't stop making hate tweets/posts about her 24/7 ! Other symptoms of this disorder include - thinking hating on Sri is their reason to breathe, their hobby and their lifestyle! This disorder is usually found in literally in most people existing on stan twitter, especially ccf. Doctors claim that the only way for you to fix this disorder is to "fu*k off" and go get a life!

Gionna (her girlfriend) : Sri is amazing, she's my girlfriend! Look at her.

Nita : Tanked! Nobody cares about sr* flop

Sri protectors : STFU i think u have a SOD (Sri Obsession Disorder)… go get a life!

by ccfhater November 14, 2021

Post Traumatic Election Disorder

A new disorder whereby voters of the losing electoral party experience deep depression, grieving, mental anguish, anger, hysteria, disbelief, and in some extreme cases violence such as such as riots, protests, hate graffiti, and physical assault directed towards the winning political party and its members.

Many liberal Democrats experienced Post Traumatic Election Disorder when Donald Trump, a Republican, won the election for President of the United States.

by Hemmingwayz November 22, 2016