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Pearl Harbor Drink

A mixed drink that disguises the alcohol so well that the intoxication sneaks up on you.

I thought I didn't drink that much last night, but those Pearl Harbor drinks really did me in.

by Vince and Meghan June 28, 2013

Silly little drink

Any type of beverage bought in a convince store or gas station to be enjoyed in the car.

"What silly little drink did you get for the trip?"
"A can of redbull."

by dannyldan July 20, 2022

drink ya juice

Typically meaning; "stay in your lane" or "don't worry about it". Used when someone's asking things they don't need to know about or getting in your business for no reason.

Erica: Can you finish telling us the details of what Sam was whispering about?
Dani: Drink ya juice, hun.
Erica: Mk..

by kitteaparty February 27, 2019

second hand drink

A beer or mixed drink that someone has walked off and left from a bar or a party.

1. Dean must be really drunk. He is drinking that second hand drink. Someone probably spit or pissed in it and is watching somewhere laughing.

2. That second hand drink has a cigarette butt in it. Do you dare me to drink it anyway?

by second hand drinker July 31, 2009

Ric Flair Drink

1/2 can red bull.
2 shoots of vodka.
After you finish the drink you then Wooooooo at the top of your lungs.
In memory of the great Ric Flair.

Hey man let's go to Biggio's and get some Ric Flair Drink's tonight. Wooooooo!

by RicFlairFan June 14, 2021

Drinking Lion's Milk

You built up some courage for yourself and are now acting up.

What is wrong with you acting like that? Have you been Drinking Lion's Milk or something?

by Hov Na December 26, 2020

Drink my lemonade

Drink my lemonade is a meaning for “DRINK MY PEE PLS IM HORNY!!!!”

“hey baby wanna drink my lemonade” 😏

by Puffpuppie June 25, 2020