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human trumpet

When my coworker blows viciously into the webs of his or her hands to create the serenading sound of a trumpet.

Hey pal, can you teach me
How to human trumpet?

by Dingleberryface6996 April 3, 2014

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Human Pinwheel

Where u go to the freak show find a midget and twirl her around ur dick like a pinwheel

Im desperate for a human pinwheel

by acere July 26, 2008

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Human Contact

something i haven't had in 4 years.

My mom: "Hey, i made you break-"
My mom: *opens the blinds*
me: *dies*

so, yeah. Human contact.

by TheGirlWhoGossipsInTheCorner August 24, 2022

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Human Waterfall

A man or woman, with such sweaty armpits that they are pouring sweat everywhere. Waterfall effect can be maximized by a light colored shirt.

Watch out, the Human Waterfall is pouring it down again.

by Pyrokaaa December 4, 2008

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human scale

The size, texture and articulation of physical elements that match the size and proportions of human sight and speed.

The design features of traditional main streets are generally of a human scale.

by jsuffs June 27, 2015

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Human Garbage

A trash ass cheating baby daddy, who doesn't pay child support, probably smells dirty pussy, and is named Zayne.

Well, I just got a text from actual human garbage.

by Wombat6969 March 7, 2023

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human traits

entities that possess the following traits that resemble a human being:
emotions, cough, watch tv shows

Eric: "Yeah, we got.. snakes."
Hannibal: "..with human traits."
Hannibal: "They got emotions, and they cough,and they watch tv shows.. *sighs*"
Jimmy: "You have snakes with human traits?"

by Skittlez Pie December 16, 2020

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