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International Men With Soft Hands Day

On the 10th of March of every year, there is held a celebration for men with soft hands

Happy International Men with Soft Hands day my G's !

by 1234568910qwertyuiopasdfghjklz March 10, 2021

1👍 2👎

International Simp for Gravy Day

On March 12, the world gathers together to worship and praise, and most simply simp, for the one and only Gravy. Gravy is a world influencer and today is the day he’ll be praised.

International Simp for Gravy Day is a ‘must do’ and boosts Gravy’s ego. Please celebrate it.

by Jesus-San March 12, 2021

Tokyo International School

Tokyo international school is a place for disabled kids. Half of them are autistic. They learn how to enable themselves by going to settings and pressing the " Enable " button.

uwu tokyo international school

by Sebby Debby March 6, 2023

International Send a Booty Pic

26th of January is the International Send a Booty Picture day. Girls have to send a sexy booty Picture to the guys they are dating/seeing.

International Send a Booty Pic day is my favourite day of the year.

by Philémon Yunji Yang January 26, 2025

International Send a Booty Pic

On the 26th of January you have to send a sexy booty picture to the guy you're seeing/dating.

26th of January is the best day of the year because it is the International Send a Booty Pic

by Philémon Yunji Yang January 26, 2025

Internal funeral

This phrase is most commonly used to describe a funeral that is happening within. This is not a physical funeral. This is a soul funeral, a spirit funeral. This funeral is grasping for air because it is trapped within like a mouse in one of those little wood traps. Mice traps are actually a reference to internal funeral, so if you ever see one make sure you jump on it full force with no shoes on while screaming internal funeral at 3 am with three candles surrounding you making a triangular shape at an obtuse angle to attract wealth and some bad bitches. (No scam logang!)

Shoot me ive been tryna die, yuh internal funeral brewing inside

by internalfuneral January 15, 2024

Apple International School

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Apple international school is a school full of people

Wow look it’s Apple international school WOW!

by Emekeke September 8, 2022