Source Code

LOL Syndrome

the ability to take away the seriousness of ANY text conversation by adding lol, lmao, rotfl, etc.

Prime Examples of LOL Syndrome

ex 1- "da doc called...i mite have pancreatic cancer lol"

ex 2- "omg my bffl nd my bf have been seein each other bhinf my back lmao"

by Naaads93 April 7, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

LOL the lawn , !

The proper response to something extremely lesbian and/or incomprehensible, due mainly to the speaker being extremely high.

"i lovee yu miss sex face , yu have the sexyest sex face i have EVER seen * just jizzed * ... HMM awkword ..... la la la. . naughty naughty ,"

"LOL the lawn , !"

by cpetmunch March 14, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

tuck it lol

Tucked peepees twixt the legs!

Yarr matey tuck yer peepee while the cap'n's away! Cute, lol! Tuck it lol!

by Nancepants October 4, 2008

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lol worthy

When something is worthy of being laughed out loud at.

"Did you see Superbad?"
"Yeah, it was pretty funny, but not lol worthy."

by /Buttsecks?/ February 22, 2008

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actual lol

A more refined way of saying lol.

'What do you call a fly with out wings?'
'I dunno?'
'A walk!;)@
'Actual lol:)'

by Actual Rofl Copter March 10, 2010

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lol internet

The 100,000th post (called a GET) on 4chan.org. It's also commonly referred to on YTMND.com, a website notorious for using memes and fads from 4chan. On YTMND, the phrase is in a speech bubble uttered by Ronal McDonald while riding in a car with the background zooming by. Several version of this have been made with other characters in other vehicles.

Did you see that new "lol internet" YTMND?
Yeah they totally stole that crap from 4chan.

by Jimmy July 31, 2006

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age/sex/laughing out loud

stupid IM talk

by deenatalia April 10, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž