Megan Lever is a great person and a big lover of animals but unfortunately she is not as great as the almighty human that is Callum Jones
Guy1: Is'nt Megan Lever just great
Guy2: Yes but she does not compare to Callum Jones he is a god among men
Guy1: True he is incredible
A very wierd but fruity girl. (Normally hornyish
"Omg, you are acting like megan crampton today!"
Megan “Wardy” Ward is a creature of the darkness that like kids and men with non existent hairlines. She’s often been found lurking the halls of Louis slowly and quietly chanting about max o beirne. She’s someone all children should stay away from and parents should be afraid of. She’s not allowed within 500 meters of the following places due to being on then register:
1. Mary’s
2. Booterstown
3. Tramline
4. Crumlin
Hey have you heard of Megan “Wardy” Ward? Regretfully so…
When one goes to extraordinary lengths to draw attention to oneself to claim to be a victim.
"i can't believe he is acting that way. He must be suffering Harry & Megan Syndrome
megan lovell is probably one the fittest/pengest girls you will know. she won't ever send nude but the occasional thong pic. she loves gang music but also loves rave music. she such a laugh done know why more people are her friends. all the boys secretly like her but to afraid to say to others but all in all peng gyalll.
megan lovell is so peng
The most beautiful girl in the world! She has long, dirty blond hair, and blue eyes sparkle like diamonds. She is a very outgoing person, and doesn’t like to get talked about behind her back. If you ever see her, don’t be afraid because her intentions are all well meaning.
Megan Ross - Hey guys! What’s up?
Stranger - We were just finishing planting this garden.
Megan Ross -Do you need any help?
Stranger - Sure!
Megan Ross - (goes on to talk about nature.)
Megan Tatlow is a person of many fantastic traits! She is clever, quick witted, and kind. She has the most adorable laugh! Even though on she surface she may act shy, when you get to know her, she's open, true, bubbly, and can't make up her mind! She's usually very kind to people she meets, but don't be fooled! Mess with her, and your in for a whole lot of sarcasm, tickle fights, and pillow fights! Megan is someone you can count on, and tell everything to, because she won't judge you. You can trust her! She's a very loyal friend, but don't underestimate her! It's always the quiet ones. She's a very sporty person, but doesn't really have anyone to compete or play against. She likes spending time with her awesome best friend Cassidy, and gives her full attention. She's not like the girls who are always on devices when friends are over, she loves playing games, and socializing (with friends, not anyone else). She's not like any other girl! And best of all, she's always there for you when you need her!
Megan Tatlow is the most awesome friend a girl could ask for!