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Ligma balls

A very rare disease that weeaboos, blue haired Jews, and cringy Pom Pom Dancers can get. This corrupts the body’s testicles and kills the person.

Person 1: “How did ninja die, he was such an amazing fortnite player!”
Person 2: “Ligma balls killed him XD!”

by Sholley Quire July 21, 2018

843👍 264👎

muffin balls

Little bite-sized (1.5cm x 1.5cm) balls of muffin. It is pieces of just muffin top baked into small balls.

Yo did you try lang's muffin balls?

Yeah man they were delicious!

by speens November 6, 2010

bengal balls

Testicles that have been inadvertently sprayed with insecticide or other chemical agent as a result of mistakingly grabbing the insecticide or other offending spray instead of the anti-fungal spray. The name is a reference to Bengal Gold roach spray.

Ahhh my bengal balls burn . I grabbed to Bengal spray instead of the Lotrimin.

by Vato-Electric March 26, 2021

church ball

A player, typically a white guy, who participates in a recreational, often religious-affiliated basketball game with an unmatched level of intensity and hustle. Church Ball players are notorious for their aggressive and out-of-control play, making them a potential hazard for fellow players on the court. Often viewed as overzealous and lacking self-awareness, their unwavering commitment to the game is both impressive and terrifying.

Dude was playing church ball and tore his ACL.

by Wrxdrunkie April 4, 2023

Raunch Balls

Basically explaining how disgusting a person or object is.

Tara: Yo we're having kd tonight..
Tom: Raunch Balls.

by Salvibaby June 11, 2009

ball sweep

Getting with every guy in the room (a clean sweep of all the balls)

Holy shit, that girl that just straight up ball sweeped the room tonight (even Jason!)

by MasonJar March 22, 2015

Ball chaser

A Rocket League player that has a below average amount of brain cells. Typically has a large array of insults and slurs to use when they are called out for their nonsense. Pysonix (Rocket League developer) seems to not care about these insults and slurs, but they do like to ban people for not liking mac n' cheese. Again, these are the same guys that have servers that run on waffles and maple syrup. Basically, a ball chaser attacks the ball even with no boost, or at bad angles. A Rocket League ball chaser is not to be confused with the sexual definition, which is basically a female simp. Please refrain from talking back to a ball chaser, as you will get banned for insulting an innocent player. Ball chasers are often compared to younger siblings, due to the fact that they constantly do dumb shit and put the blame on the innocent person. The term "Ball chaser" came up sometime during Rocket Leagues first 6 years, and honestly, who the fuck knows when people started calling players that. Ball chasers often like to attack you, with their cars. If you can't hit the ball, then you might as well go for anything else, whether its boost, or an enemy car, or your teammates car, just fucking hit it. Who cares anymore? What do you have to lose?

Gamer: this guy cant stop attacking the ball
Idot: he must be a ball chaser

Once your poor teammate realizes you are ball chasing, he will casually call you 3 slurs, throw the probably winnable game away, and instantly leave after a successful throw attempt.

"If ball chasing was a crime, I would be a good citizen" - Musty 1989

"If thy teammate commences in ball chasing, bonk them" - Einstein 2013

"Yeah, I ball chase, but at least I like mac n' cheese" - The average Rocket League player (2014-2021)

by FellowBallChaser January 21, 2021