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orgasmic seizure

A condition where epileptics orgasm while having a seizure. It is incredibly difficult to help people suffering from this, as they are also usually intensely attracted to lampposts while influenced. #saveourlamposts was a campaign started by Gigi Hadid, who got 47 different countries to recognize lampposts as sentient beings. At the moment, around 10000 people worldwide identify as a lamppost. People with this condition usually also have massive tits.

person a: eyo wtf is brad doing?
person b: hes having an orgasmic seizure
person a: tf is that?
person b: idfk

by johnwastaken22 November 26, 2020

Orgasm gauntlet

The orgasm gauntlet is a challenge of sexual activities between a man and a women in which the male has the survive the following gauntlet of sexually activities without busting a nut. Hand job, blow job, tit job, vaginal and finally sword fighting. If the male survives all the sexual acts for the set time decide by the male and female without jizzing he is then allowed to do the female anal, however if he fails the gauntlet he must give her anal.

"Yo I tried to do the Orgasm gauntlet the other day, i made it to the sword fight befor I lost and let me tell you I feel like my ass will never stop being sore"

by Tittyspanker47 January 22, 2017

Comfort Orgasm

The nonsexual type of orgasm that occurs whenever you place your body in a certain position, causing a great deal of extreme comfort.

Yeah, I slept so well last night cause I had like so many Comfort Orgasms dude!

by TheGreenBowtie November 30, 2017

nose orgasm

it’s a sneeze.

that sneeze felt like a nose orgasm

by orgasm_aficionado July 2, 2021

Orgasm Fork

A fork like head massager with multiple metallic flexible spokes. When used on the head, especially behind the ear, it inevitably starts to feel almost like an orgasm. Works best when someone else uses this to messages on another one’s head.

Hey Jonah, can you pass me the orgasm fork from the table, I need a good orgasmic head massage. Also, Jonah, would you please be kind enough to help me out with this? It has more effect when someone else does it.

by Pseudoneutron April 15, 2024

Orgasmic Urination

An alternate term for “female ejaculation” or “squirt

“OMG the sex was so good I orgasmically urinated!”

“I love it when she orgasmically urinates all over my face”

“All women are capable of orgasmic urination, but not all ever achieve it”

by MapleSyrup87 April 8, 2020


When you simultaneously bust a nut a puke your guts out

“Man I feel like shit but at least I ate a Reese’s cup and KitKat so I can orgasm-up.”

by That.hockey.kid November 3, 2021