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Straight People

People of the following characteristics

- walks slowly
- obsessed with the opposite sex
- prolly loves sex
- thinks gay people have a crush on them

Person 1: *walks fast while having standards and texting same-sex crush*
Person 2: Slow down!
Person 3: Yeah slow down
Person 1: Y'all are a bunch of straight people πŸ™„

by Just An Epic Genius April 29, 2022

21πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

people nation

unlike the dumbass above, Bloods affiliate themselves with a 5-POINT star and crips with a 6-POINT star

people nation is an alliance of many street gangs originating from the city of Chicago.known members are Vice Lords, Latin Counts,Latin Angels,Latin Kings, Spanish Vice Lords, Black P Stones, Bishops and many others

their main symbols are pitchforks point down , 5 point stars,and 5 point crowns

though all these gangs are allied under the Nation name, there are interalliance wars that are going on

Vice Lords and Counts are known to rival the Almighty Latin King n Queen Nation. Bloods are thought to be apart of the Nation but its unknown whether they are. oon another noe, bloods and crips wear their things opposite to what their corresponding natios wear. nevertheless they still affiliate

their main rival is the Folk Nation(Followers Of Larry King)because of their affiliations, cdertain Crip sets are required to flag black on the Right side. though folk is an alliance, it is also its own gang. members are usually seen with a black do rag hanging out their backside(though which side it must correspond is unknown)symbols of the folk nation include pitchforks upwards, 6-point stars and the number 6 itself.though it is shared by all folk, these symbols are a part of 'gang knowledge' originating from Gangster Disciples. it is believed that this knowledge was copied by Crips which is why they have loose affiliations

another gang that flags oppsite of people is latin kings. they keep flag on the right side but wen showing true kolors they tie their flag on the back middle loop of their pants to symbolize the lion which is a well known mascot of LK

People Nation Member: Ckrabs n Fkish just trotted in our turf

Another member: then let's light their's asses!

LK member: Vice Whores and Latin Cunts can go have their fun, i dont even know why the fuck we rep this shit wen those ni99as dont like us anyways. all because of some goddamn drug trading territories

by XKalibur May 6, 2007

79πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

White people

The most racist, sensitive, and asinine people known to man. Gods even upset he made them mow

Did you hear about those white people who got upset buy that hoodie H&M released?

by IPromiseImNotRacist January 15, 2018

64πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž

White People

people who are white as snow

the KKK are white people.

by KKKlover69 February 28, 2018

57πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

Snake People

A good term for millenials.
Snakes are widely misunderstood, hated and feared, when they’re only what they were born as.

Millenials are widely hated, blamed and shamed, most often from the very generation who raised them.
Also, snakes are cool.
Remember that a child’s job is to grow up to be better than their parents, and a parent’s job is to help facilitate that, however consciously/unconsciously that role may manifest as.

So when looked at on a wide scale, yeah, Snake people.
Shed em up.

β€œHave you heard of that web extension that changes every instance of the term β€˜millenials’ with β€˜snake people’?”
β€œYes I found it while searching for Actual snake people & was disappointed.”

by Cyber Christ April 23, 2018

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Yellow People

Bruh these people be blue no cap

Bruh these yellow people are no cap blue.

by My pp blue November 20, 2019

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

American people

Extremely dumb and stupid. Can't spell and measure. Their small is an extra large.

All most likely fat.

"Can we go to America??!"

"No, American people are dumb. I don't want to lose more of my braincells."

"Okay! They are stupid!!"

by swagshin October 4, 2021

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž