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Poopy Fork

When you stick three fingers up a girls butt and your fingers get very poopy

That girl just gave me the poopy fork

by Mcfoebapcap October 23, 2019

Poopy Peyton

The name of a being that separated himself from his original host to terrorize anything he sees. He doesnt go outside often and usually communicates by hacking or texting your household devices. He also works with the bowgarts from my singing monsters and help capture mike ehrmantrauts mind

Man Poopy Peyton is such a menace
Poopy Peyton started screaming racial slurs at the children in child care.

by edwardleedalfonso September 5, 2022

poopy dick rim hitter

a man who likes to peg women in the buns or a gay man who likes to put his dick up poop chutes

a man who likes to peg women in the buns or a gay man that likes to fuck poop chutes "that niggas a poopy dick rim hitter cuz!" "did you hear about that guy? that fags a poopy dick rim hitter!"

by Psuedorandomnumbergenerator June 13, 2022

poopie presties

When one becomes so drunk, they take all of their clothes off, run around, and finally pass out. Then they are found the next day in the closet by the host's mom naked in the closet covered in their own feces with a bucket over their head.

Josh went poopie presties last night! We didn't find him for three days!

by NtotheEtotheS July 8, 2009

poopy piss baby

someone who is acting like a piss baby

Austin is being a poopy piss baby”

by ConDon437 March 15, 2023

Poopy Lasagne

The term you use to describe the foul creation you leave in the toilet when you go for a shit, finish wiping your ass and then realise you need another shit. Leaving layers of shite and paper making a poopy lasagne

Mate was in the big for an hour, had a poopy lasagne you get me

by NotSoMuchOfAMorenoFan January 22, 2020

Poopy dance

When you have poop rubbed all over your body, have on your head, and in your hands. Then moving the arms up and down in a robotic form whilst squating

"My dad caught me peeing on the plants now i must do the poopy dance"

by WildWillez December 12, 2020