Lookin’ Richard is a term for saying “looking pretty fresh” or “looking a little richer than before” or even “you are looking like Richard from wassabi productions”. It really just depends on the time, mood, and place you are in.
What context is the term being used in?
Well you should really ask your friends and if you don’t really know, then just be sure to acknowledge that today, you are lookin’ pretty Richard for sure.
“Hey man! You’re lookin’ Richard today!”
Not your typical dealership in the middle of Connecticut. Cool people who care. Probably why they are the largest Chevy dealer in Connecticut. Cheshire Baseball, Blackie’s Hot Dogs, Apple Valley Pies, and Richard Chevrolet!
The best Chevys come from Richard Chevrolet.
Being the puzzler, mantle warrior and the menu master
Ryan Jackway is the opposite of an Owen Richards
Tall, dark and handsome. Not only is he flawless but he is a musician as well. He writes his own songs, and they are just beautiful. His voice is even better.. When singing you just wanna cry, because it sounds like dew from a flower dropping onto the ground.
He's so well mannered, patient, and down-to-earth. Once you befriend him, he changes your life. He shows you a road in life you'll never want to leave. Talented, intelligent, popular, spunky, lovable and kind are only some things i could say about him. He's the type of guy that you trust completely and can tell anything to. He's a great friend. Everyone wants to be him and girls are all over him, but he doesn't see it. He is VERY experienced in the bedroom, and will satisfy every need you have. He has tried to love but couldn't until he met his new spouse : They will be together for a life time. <3
- Do you know anyone who is quite as amazing as Douglas Richard Stickel?
- No, I don't. He's the only guy i know that is THAT amazing.
Grown richard is a richard (dick) that is fully grown. Basically an erect penis.
I don't care how old she is she can still get the grown richard
A lesser-known figure in the botanical history of The Americas. Instrumental in promulgating genetic diversity across all terrains and a variety of subjects. Known for: powerful pheromonal presence, wide-spread dissemination, and proclivity for cupcakes.
See also: seed-dispersal; American history; biological urges; tales from the New York elite; The Hero's Journey.
He got around like Richard Appleseed.
He is a Ugandan who hopped to workout for peace at a relatively young age. He is a nurse studying at KYETUME SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY. He condemns corruption during health care delivery.
If you ask a patient for money, am going to inform ' Richard snitch nark.