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fuckin rock

1. v. To be extremely awesome to the Nth degree. Always having more awesomeness than something that simply "rocks"

2. v. To rock extremly fuckin hard. Frequently done "out with your cock out".

3. n. An extremely hated and contemptible stone. Usually used when expressing such contempt for said stone.

1. "Dude, this concert fuckin rocks."

2. "I'm gonna fuckin rock out with my cock out."

3. "Oww! Shit! What was that?... Fuckin rock! You fuckin piece of shit! I'll fuckin kill you!(**throws rock out window **) Rot in hell you piece of shit-fuckin shit-fuck!!!"

by zc540 July 4, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beauty Rock

Beauty rock is a sub-genre of what is commonly known as Post Rock. It focuses on the artistry and musicianship of the music rather than marketability or radio-friendliness. Beauty rock groups such as Sigur Ros, Explosions In the Sky, The American Dollar, Glass America, and The Vegas Report typically use chord progressions, rhythms, and melodies that exemplify the players' skill while providing a sonically pleasing work. Beauty rock is sometimes minimalist and employs various instruments not commonly seen in the rock genre such as piano, strings, and bells. Sometimes referred to as "Movie Soundtrack Music," beauty rock is often contemplative, expansive, and emotionally driven.

"Sigur Ros is possibly the greatest Beauty Rock band known to man."

by Crazycoreskittles July 2, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock head

A crack head or someone who smokes crack.
Crack looks a lot like a small rock.

Yea man the rock head o.d over there but lived

by n333m September 7, 2005

40๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

kick rocks

get the fuck outta here right now

you need to kick rocks before I kick your ass

by raoul duke August 5, 2003

880๐Ÿ‘ 412๐Ÿ‘Ž

moom rocks

if you had been referred to this defintion from Apollo 13, this is to clarify that it was a mere typo, and, in actuality, was intended to be "moon rocks".

"Look at the moom rocks"
"Don't you mean 'moon rocks'?"

by crycek April 4, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

glen rock

A small, beautiful town in Bergen County, New Jersey. Where the kids are nice, hott & do exceptionally well in sports. most sports. Known as "The Bubble" to the locals. When graduates go to college, they long the await to return to the rock. Everyone knows everyone's business, no doubt about it. You can walk through town and name 98% of the people you see, wheather it be just first or last names, you know them some way or another. John's OWNS Aldo's: Fact of life. You call Ridgewood kids Pansies, because that's what they are.

All the kids from surrounding areas wish to be them.

cough ridgewood kids

Ridgewoodkid: Whoa man! Did you see that girl? I think she's from Glen Rock!
Friend of Kid: Whoa nelly! Yeah, she's too hott to be from Ridgewood, she must be from Glen Rock.
Ridgewoodkid: Should i ask for her number?
Friend of kid: She'll turn you down man! You're scum to her!

by CGYO December 12, 2005

184๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big Rocks

Relating to a man who has large testicles. A form of endearing compliment between males as large testicles is seen as a positive trait.

"Hey big rocks. How have you been?"

by Dutch H February 8, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž