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Big spicy

When the pickles are just to SPICY


Big spicy

by Dreamstuder November 5, 2020

sweet n’ spicy

Jacking off in a taco bell bathroom after eating a 3-layer burrito, while taking an explosive shit. Sweet coming out the tip, spicy coming out the asshole.

“I gotta choke down this burrito so i can do the sweet n’ spicy in a short time”

by MikeHunt17494929 June 2, 2023

Big Hot Spicy Pickle

Something you like to devour

Shaun devoured his dad's Big Hot Spicy Pickle.

by Big Hot Spicy Pickle Eater March 28, 2023

spicy gummer

When a woman chews up a bunch of habanero peppers and does oral sex.

He got a spicy gummer

by Christopher Daniel December 29, 2020

Spicy Pepsi

When the carbonation of Pepsi is super crisp and defined. The greatest tasting Pepsi you have ever had in your FUCKING LIFE. Spicy Pepsi at work? HELL YEAHHHH!!!!

Hey man wanna go to Monte Cellos?? I hear they've got some spicy Pepsi!

by Mama G-string September 3, 2019

Spicy Cupcake

Its when a person has very sweet and kind personality , with a slight bite or “spicyflair

You know what you remind me of? A spicy cupcake!”

by Space Cowboy Princess Rodeo June 10, 2023

Spicy keys

When you heat someone's keyring in an oven and when asked for them you throw them back using tongs. This causes them to catch searing hot keys with they're hands thus making the keys "spicy".

Anon: Where are my keys?
Me: here you go *throws him the keys with tongs*
Anon *catches keys burning hands* :Ahh! The spicy keys!!! Why would you do this?!

by Peeled Paint June 29, 2017