Source Code

/B/ tard

some one who is on b, and is a moron, hence retard + /B/.

Dude, that /B/ tard said that his dick is bigger than a skyscraper.

by cab114 August 20, 2011

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Tard Cart

Another name for a wheelchair

Look there Olivia and Emily go,,! Off in their tard carts!

by Jamie123bbwen January 13, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

dick tard

When someone is being dumb,and as a result is also a jerk, but they don't realize it till later.

I was a dick tard to my two very good friends, because I was acting dumb.

by Phi Lamda July 11, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that is a Q-Tard and believes lies and bullshit conspiracy theories easily. Generally a very stupid person with no brain processing power. Easily fooled idiot type of person.

Look at that crowd of cheering Trump supporters. A mass of Q-Tarded people.

by Casper Milktoast in Daytona March 1, 2021

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Blow tard

Anyone who is so retarded they will suck anyone's dick who ask them.

He's such a blow tard.

by Judge dredd7 July 21, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

[ Tarding Out ]

When someone, an animal, or an appliance or a machine spontaneously begins to act retarded.
I.E (in the case of a person) they randomly begin to flail around, babble,speak in jiberish, grunt or scream alot, or act retarded in some other manner.
I.E (machine/appliance) when one of the two just stops working for no apparent reason and becomes difficult and fristrating to opperate

Suddenly shellshock caused Private Smith to start Tarding Out . He kept screaming and kept hitting himself over his head with his trenching spade. Then he ran out of the trench still screaming and hitting himself and got shot. What a retard.

by GameAce99 December 7, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bo Tard

A Bo Tard is an extremely fat woman who you think you've had sex with but your penis was in one of her fat rolls the whole time and she just ended up with an ejaculation stain on one of her love handles.

"Man, can you believe that I had sex with her?" "You didn't have sex, she was just a Bo Tard!"

by Dustin King October 21, 2004

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