Source Code

Canadian Code

The Canadian Code states that "Canadians rock. Live it, love it, embrace it, pour maple syrup on it". This is the code that all Canadians live by. Similar to the 'bro code that states: 'bros before canadians'". Well, your beat.

yea, watch out, respect Canadian Code.

by canadian111111111 July 18, 2011

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Secret code

a code usually used between friends to say something that they don’t want others to hear

jhti hpfehompglge, vhni nmgafrgrvifa hygoju hagrce gdjohghgbi kphogo hpgodo.
this is an example of secret code

by Luv the alpaca May 21, 2020

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raw coding

the ability to code without the use of the Internet (i.e. no Google or Stack Overflow)

Raul: Damn I'm currently writing code without using the Internet

Vinny: Nice bro! You raw coding

Raul: Yeah! I love doing it raw

by IceColdRoaster32 April 26, 2018

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The Code Guy

A guy who says he knows a lot about code, but is actually dumb

Guy 1: β€œHey, I’m the code guy.”
Guy 2: β€œOkay retard.”

by Non-reputable source August 30, 2019

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source code

Expression frequently used by WHO (World Health Organization) researchers

Refer pneumoniainfluenzaflutrans-avian

"The source ob thi' code is a chicken"

Or : "This strain of influenzia has been traced back to a chicken in Hong Kong"

by Nik January 30, 2004

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slow code

Responding slowly, "going through the motions", to rescucitating a person with severe dementia or a terminal disease goes into cardiac arrest.

The homeless person with severe dementia went into cardiac arrest. The doctor slow coded him.

by Teratogen July 4, 2011

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Code 13

When you discretely need to advise a fellow employee or employer that you have to go to the restroom and take an emergency poo.

Hey Jerry, Can you cover me on the register? I got a Code 13!

by Mister Biggems June 16, 2018

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