an old man who spends all of his time sitting inside and smoking and has no personality. the only times he ever leaves the house is when he chases little children off of his lawn when he leaves them to get milk.
the worst part of him is that if you say ANYTHING bad about him, he hunts you down and will record you breathing at 3 am. then he turns it into a song and then uses it to make a diss track of you.
drugging and raping someone, and then vehemently denying it when confronted
Just because she woke up all groggy with her pants off, she accused me of double-Billing her
On your own
are ye goin on ye bill to the shops
the act of smoking fake weed made of oregano, parsley, leaves straight off of the tree, grass out of the lawn mower bag, or a wendey's garden salad.
the act of being illergic to life or creeping hard on girls
the act of wearing condoms around 24/7 in hope of getting laid- it doesnt hurt to be prepared
im going to j-bills at the prom night
A "True Bill" is someone who sacrifices themselves for the greater good or to save another person. It is a reference to the character William "Bill" Overbeck from the video game Left 4 Dead, who sacrifices his life to save the other survivors.
Joe gave his life to save mine, he acted like a True Bill.
Bill will find the person that will love him more than anybody he has ever known and will know.They will start something together and he will love her with every bit of energy and soul.This relationship will have a lot of ups and downs but they will travel through the time together and solve every problem
Bill’s relationship-Having a good time with his girl,makes her feel confident and able to be herself around him
A pervy dude that rubs his beard on to you so you get tickled.
Mr Pruner was bill reed to bradys hair.